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Slow Horses Season 4 Discussion Thread Anonymous No.25 [Open] [Last]
16.83 KiB 210x295 (dl)
Slow Horses Season 4 aired on September 4, 2024. Post your thoughts on the new season here! BTW as the show is still ongoing, please use spoiler tags accordingly. Refer to FAQ for how to use spoiler tags.
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Anonymous No.24 [Open] [Last]
300.95 KiB 1581x1054 (dl)
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BoJack Horseman, a show about facing the truth Anonymous No.23 [Open] [Last]
41.10 KiB 600x888 (dl)
I think BoJack Horseman is about facing the truth. The truth of the society, the truth of life, and the truth of oneself.

BoJack facing his deeply flawed personality is a big part of the show. It shows us how he ends up in terrible situations because of his fault, how he struggles during the darkest of times, and how he eventually faces his own problems instead of ignoring them or blaming them on others. Just like what Todd said, "You are all the things that are wrong with you", this show essentially shows us how BoJack comes to realization of it.

Another theme of the show is the Hollywood culture and how it affects people. In the show we see Sarah Lynn entering Hollywood as a child and eventually being destroyed partly because of it. Of course, BoJack is another example of how Hollywood culture destroys people. "The most important thing is, you got to give the people what they want, even if it kills you, even if it empties you out until there's nothing left to empty. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, you don't stop dancing, and you don't stop smiling, and you give those people what they want. " Even though BoJack is blaming his fault on the society, we can see the society, namely Hollywood, does take some responsibility. What's more, Diane's attempt at exposing Hank's wrongdoing, as well as her failure in the end, shows yet another disturbing truth of the society, i.e. people are reluctant to admit the wrongdoing of powerful or famous people, and it's extremely difficult for normal people to combat those in power. Finally, as the public turns their attention away, Diane has no alternative but to admit this fact. The Hank quote pretty much sums it up: "Sweetheart, everyone knows who I am. I'm Hank Hippopopalous. Who the hell are you?"

Yet another theme of the show is nihilism. BoJack, an actor in a sitcom back in the '90s, doesn't have anything to do at present. He tries to realize his childhood dream, playing Secretariat, but when the movie is actually finished, he feels the same. He questions whether people can truly achieve happiness, or they will just feel the same after achieving their goals. The show depicts the void after success and the fleeting nature of happiness. It shows us the truth of life, that it's difficult, and there's no way of achieving everlasting happiness. Even if we can ignore it temporarily, the truth of life will be unavoidable eventually. "No, because that’s just theatre. It allows you to think you’re in control but the whole idea of control is a myth. The universe is a wild beast. You can’t tame it. All you can do is try to live inside it."
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The Boys Season 4 Discussion Thread Anonymous No.13 [Open] [Last]
21.80 KiB 210x295 (dl)
The Boys Season 4 just ended a few days ago. It had a slow start, and with the boys dealing with their own businesses, it just doesn't appeal to me much. Honestly the parts stand fairly well on their own, but when put together, it seems like they're not minding the real business, and the main tasks failed without exception. Besides, The Boys is not just a shows that's "fairly well", but it should be exceptional.

After that, the plot takes a turn for the better. I especially appreciate Butcher's hallucination, and the twist is so shocking. I'm glad the Deep got stronger too, because he has mainly been a joke in the previous seasons. The ending, yet another sharp twist, is pretty well-done, laying a foundation for season 5.

All in all this is a satisfactory season. It's still presents shocking scenes over and over, which is part of the reason I love this show.

Please post your opinions on the season in this thread.
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Anonymous No.17 >>19
If by finale you mean S04E08, I think Butcher killing Vickie is a great fight (and gore too). But of course, Soldier Boy does not have enough appearance, which is disappointing.
Anonymous No.18
I think the "description" feeling has something to do with how they shot the final scenes. Note that the background music, Nirvana's Heart-Shaped Box, is playing all through the ending. It kind of watered down the intensity of the scenes, like a long montage that compressed time. It's interesting why they chose to shoot the ending like this, with such drastic changes happening in such short period of time. Btw it reminds me of the final scene of Rick and Morty S04E06 "Never Ricking Morty" where Evil Morty reveals his true identity and joins the rest of the Morty's, with "For the Dameged Soda" playing in the background. It was STUNNING, and I think The Boys maybe is trying to do the same thing but the twist is just that shocking, which is why I think the ending feels too "descriptive".
Anonymous No.19 >>20
>>17 >>16
Shit, I mean the twist is "just not that shocking"
Anonymous No.20 >>21
Ok, it wasn't shocking, but it was brilliant and very well done.
Anonymous No.21
Don't get me wrong, I personally love how it ended. I was just trying to explore where the feeling of "too much description" comes from. It's not necessarily a bad thing, just one way of doing things. Instead of being stunned by the fighting or gore, we are observing the process of the Boys being destroyed on command of Homelander and witnessing Homelander's rise to his power and his command on supes. Observing the plot advancing is essentially a different experience from being immersed in fighting scenes, and it evokes different emotions. I, for one, like how it played out.

Eras of television Anonymous No.14 [Open] [Last]
68.96 KiB 900x900 (dl)
I have two open-ended questions I'm curious about
>what do you think the best decade of TV was, that includes either nationally or globally
>what do you think the worst decade of TV was, and ditto
I'm not sure about the best but I'd argue the worst was the 2000s. I was reading a book from roughly 20 years ago recently and there's a part where a character starts ranting about "those pretty whores on TV who are only famous for being pretty whores", it jolted my memory that entire weird era of television. That was really the beginning of channel bloat and every channel turning into 24/7 reality TV. (That arguably still the case, but it doesn't matter anymore with streaming and such.)
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Anonymous No.15
As of scripted tv shows the 2010s is probably the best imo. We have Breaking Bad at its peak in the early 2010s, and several other awesome dramas such as GoT, Black Mirror, True Detective, BCS, Succession, just to name a few. Not to mention BoJack Horseman, my favorite show of all time, as well as Fleabag, a marvelous show written and performed by the brilliant Phoebe Waller-Bridge. I know nothing about reality television tho, and they should probably be assessed separately.

TV show screenshot Anonymous No.11 [Open] [Last]
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Thread for posting awesome moments in tv shows.
Here's Homelander in The Boys S04E08 saying "I need the fucking list yesterday".
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Anonymous No.12
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Another one from The Boys

TV shows recommendation Anonymous No.10 [Open] [Last]
scripted tv shows recommendation.docx
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I recently compiled a chronological list of recommended scripted TV shows
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Doctor.Strange.in.the.Multiverse.of.Madness.2022.720p.WEB.H264-S Anonymous No.9 [Open] [Last]
Baidu Netdisk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lONxjKE8KlawbB4I0GwZdw
password: ntik
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Loki.S01.720p.WEB.H264 Anonymous No.7 [Open] [Last]
24.86 KiB 210x295 (dl)
Loki Season 1
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Anonymous No.8
Baidu Netdisk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VjdKDUfUBG7lr81pE3NXiw
password: ntik

Better.Call.Saul.S01.720p.BluRay.x264-REWARD Anonymous No.1 [Open] [Last]
24.66 KiB 210x295 (dl)
Better Call Saul Season 1
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Anonymous No.3
Anonymous No.4
Anonymous No.5
Anonymous No.6