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Eras of television Anonymous No.14
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I have two open-ended questions I'm curious about
>what do you think the best decade of TV was, that includes either nationally or globally
>what do you think the worst decade of TV was, and ditto
I'm not sure about the best but I'd argue the worst was the 2000s. I was reading a book from roughly 20 years ago recently and there's a part where a character starts ranting about "those pretty whores on TV who are only famous for being pretty whores", it jolted my memory that entire weird era of television. That was really the beginning of channel bloat and every channel turning into 24/7 reality TV. (That arguably still the case, but it doesn't matter anymore with streaming and such.)
Anonymous No.15
As of scripted tv shows the 2010s is probably the best imo. We have Breaking Bad at its peak in the early 2010s, and several other awesome dramas such as GoT, Black Mirror, True Detective, BCS, Succession, just to name a few. Not to mention BoJack Horseman, my favorite show of all time, as well as Fleabag, a marvelous show written and performed by the brilliant Phoebe Waller-Bridge. I know nothing about reality television tho, and they should probably be assessed separately.

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