/meta/ - Meta

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Volunteer Recruitment
We are recruiting volunteers to moderate posts. Please reply to this thread with your public pgp key and desired username, and I will the password to you. Obviously, change your password afterwards.
What is an imageboard?
What are the rules?
Global rules are on the main page. Board-specific rules are usually posted in the board.
What is the name formatting?
What are the styling options when making a post?
What is the file size limit?
How do I make my own board?
How do I apply for moderator?
What is the source code?
Technical Issue Thread
Post technical issues you encounter here.
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Board Creation Suggestions
Please post the borad you suggest be created in this thread. Specify what the board is for and its rules. I will selectively approve the boards.
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What is the file size limit?
Max size of form data per-post is 1MB. Because other fields e.g. name, message, etc contribute to this, the maximum size of file uploads will be very slightly smaller than this.
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What is an imageboard?
An imageboard is a type of discussion board where users share images and text about various topics.

The primary difference between imageboards and traditional forums is that anybody can make a post without registering an account or providing any personal information. This lowers the barrier to entry, protects user identities and focuses on what is said, rather than who says it.
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Name Formatting
If you leave the name field blank, "Anonymous" will be used instead. Filling the field with "##" will display your role. Additionally, if a user has multiple aplicable roles (e.g. a board owner, but the user is also global staff) capcodes will default to their lowest role. To show the higher role, you must be explicit and follow "##" with the role name after a single space e.g. ## Global Staff.
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Admin authenticity
I made a few posts before discovering the capcode feature. Here are the posts actually written by me even though they do not contain my capcode:
>>1 >>>/b/11 >>>/b/12 >>>/b/13 >>>/b/14 >>>/b/15 >>>/b/17 >>3 >>7 >>13 >>16 >>18 >>11 >>12
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Example thread for testing pusposes
Example comment for testing pusposes.
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Source code of the chan
This chan uses the picochan software: https://archive.org/details/picochan