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This IB looks dope Anonymous No.10
I'm wondering how to host something like this. The closest thing i've found is https://gitgud.io/fatchan/jschan. Which framework did you use?
894 No.11
I'm glad you like it! I used picochan, which itself is a modified/improved version of nanochan. In case anyone's not familiar with nanochan, it was the largest IB on darknet before it went down a couple yrs ago. Here's the link to the picochan software: https://archive.org/details/picochan
894 No.12
Btw I tried jschan but it's still to slow and memory-intensive to run on my server. Don't get me wrong tho, jschan is really cool, but my server is too low-spec.
894 No.13
The installation instruction is pretty straightforward so it shouldn't be much of a problem. Just keep in mind that after you make the database, chmod its permission, and possibly the directory containing it, so that nginx, or Apache, etc., have write permission to it.
Anonymous No.14
And if you're using nginx you're gonna need fastcgi. The documented way is the fcgiwrap one-liner, but a better approach is to use spawn-fcgi and a service moniter like daemontools, systemd, OpenRc, runit, etc. Basically the service should execute one command when started:
spawn-fcgi -n -s /var/run/picochan.sock -u www-data -U www-data -M 0700 -- fcgiwrap
You should probably use absolute path for the spawn-fcgi and fcgiwrap commands. Change the "www-data" if your reverse proxy uses a different user, and make sure the config file of your reverse proxy matches the socket here.

Also, you may or may not need to manually create in the project directory a Media directory with "icon" and "thumb" subdirectories in it. Make sure you set appropriate permissions to them.

As a last note, http doesn't seem to work on the chan. Issue an ssl certificate using certbot, etc. before you actually try to visit the website.
Anonymous No.19 >>20
Nano's still up on another url, or atleast the similarly active clone is. Not very hard to find at all
Anonymous No.20
Could you post the link? I thought it's been down, as least that's what the gentoo wiki says.

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