Aoichan Overboard

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/meta/ -> Board Creation Suggestions 894 ## Administrator No.23
19.02 KiB 944x658 (dl)
Please post the borad you suggest be created in this thread. Specify what the board is for and its rules. I will selectively approve the boards.
/tv/ -> The Boys Season 4 Discussion Thread Anonymous No.13
21.80 KiB 210x295 (dl)
The Boys Season 4 just ended a few days ago. It had a slow start, and with the boys dealing with their own businesses, it just doesn't appeal to me much. Honestly the parts stand fairly well on their own, but when put together, it seems like they're not minding the real business, and the main tasks failed without exception. Besides, The Boys is not just a shows that's "fairly well", but it should be exceptional.

After that, the plot takes a turn for the better. I especially appreciate Butcher's hallucination, and the twist is so shocking. I'm glad the Deep got stronger too, because he has mainly been a joke in the previous seasons. The ending, yet another sharp twist, is pretty well-done, laying a foundation for season 5.

All in all this is a satisfactory season. It's still presents shocking scenes over and over, which is part of the reason I love this show.

Please post your opinions on the season in this thread.
/meta/ -> Admin authenticity 894 ## Administrator No.21
I made a few posts before discovering the capcode feature. Here are the posts actually written by me even though they do not contain my capcode:
>>1 >>>/b/11 >>>/b/12 >>>/b/13 >>>/b/14 >>>/b/15 >>>/b/17 >>3 >>7 >>13 >>16 >>18 >>11 >>12
/meta/11 -> 894 ## Administrator No.19
capcode test
/meta/3 -> 894 No.18
Picochan's formatting should be pretty similar to Zzzchan's:
/meta/3 -> 894 No.16
Sorry about the html character escapes. Afaik there's no way to escape picochan formatting. If you do find a way, please share it with us.
/meta/3 -> 894 No.13 >>16 >>18
For those who are impatient to get into the messy details, here's a quick demonstration of the formatting.

This is a code block.
This is a code block.

`This is inline code.`
This is inline code.

Cross-board reference to threads:
Cross-board reference to replies:
Intra-board reference to different threads:
Intra-board reference to replies to different threads:
Intra-board reference to posts in current thread:

'''This is bold.'''
This is bold.

''This is italian.''
This is italian.

∼∼This is strikeout.∼∼
This is strikeout.

__This is underline.__
This is underline.

==This is red text.==
This is red text.

**This is spoiler.**
This is spoiler.

(((This is kike text.)))
(((This is kike text.)))

>This is green text.
>This is green text.

<This is pink text.
<This is pink text.

Start urls with http:// or https://
/meta/11 -> Example reply for testing pusposes 894 No.12
Example reply comment for testing purposes.
/meta/ -> Example thread for testing pusposes 894 No.11
Example comment for testing pusposes.
/b/15 -> Example reply for testing pusposes 894 No.17
Example reply comment for testing purposes.
/b/ -> Example thread for testing pusposes 894 No.15
Example comment for testing pusposes.
/meta/3 -> Formatting 894 No.7 >>13
3.77 KiB (dl)
Picochan's formatting code is really error-prone, and simply stating the rules does not describing the formatting mechanism accurately enough, so I just attached the formatting function here.
/meta/ -> Source code of the chan 894 No.3
This chan uses the picochan software:
/g/10 -> Anonymous No.12
giving a random company the ability to remotely deploy and execute privileged code with no oversight across millions of computers is a good thing actually
t. silicon valley
/g/10 -> Anonymous No.11
>The widespread Windows outages have been linked to a software update from cybersecurity giant ​​CrowdStrike. It is not believed the issues are linked to a malicious cyberattack, cybersecurity officials say, but stem from a misconfigured/corrupted update that CrowdStrike pushed out to its customers.
/g/ -> Microsoft Outage Anonymous No.10
Computers worldwide are brought down by huge Microsoft outage. Anyways here's an article on it from Wired:
/pol/5 -> Anonymous No.7
You're probably right. Anyways if this is true it should be on the news in no time so why the hustle? Besides, you reminded me of the rumor about the death of Rowan Atkinson a few years back, which scared the shit out of me.
/pol/5 -> Anonymous No.6 >>7
Probably not? I think it would be everywhere if he did, like how there were mainstream rumors about Queen Elizabeth for weeks before she died.
There's always constant rumors about Putin's health, too.
When in doubt, always remember
>nothing ever happens
/pol/ -> XJP: dead yet? Anonymous No.5
655.08 KiB 1098x1234 (dl)
113.09 KiB 1094x364 (dl)
Not sure if this is true or just internet rumors, but seems like Xi Jinping had a stroke
/run/ -> AwesomeVista Exodus Anonymous No.2
/run/ -> Awesome Immigration List Anonymous No.1
/tv/11 -> Anonymous No.12
284.64 KiB 1920x800 (dl)
Another one from The Boys
/tv/ -> TV show screenshot Anonymous No.11
290.61 KiB 1920x800 (dl)
Thread for posting awesome moments in tv shows.
Here's Homelander in The Boys S04E08 saying "I need the fucking list yesterday".
/a/2 -> Anonymous No.3
clickable link:
/a/ -> 动画生涯个人喜好表扩展版 Anonymous No.2
/b/10 -> Anonymous No.14
And if you're using nginx you're gonna need fastcgi. The documented way is the fcgiwrap one-liner, but a better approach is to use spawn-fcgi and a service moniter like daemontools, systemd, OpenRc, runit, etc. Basically the service should execute one command when started:
spawn-fcgi -n -s /var/run/picochan.sock -u www-data -U www-data -M 0700 -- fcgiwrap
You should probably use absolute path for the spawn-fcgi and fcgiwrap commands. Change the "www-data" if your reverse proxy uses a different user, and make sure the config file of your reverse proxy matches the socket here.

Also, you may or may not need to manually create in the project directory a Media directory with "icon" and "thumb" subdirectories in it. Make sure you set appropriate permissions to them.

As a last note, http doesn't seem to work on the chan. Issue an ssl certificate using certbot, etc. before you actually try to visit the website.
/b/10 -> 894 No.13
The installation instruction is pretty straightforward so it shouldn't be much of a problem. Just keep in mind that after you make the database, chmod its permission, and possibly the directory containing it, so that nginx, or Apache, etc., have write permission to it.
/b/10 -> 894 No.12
Btw I tried jschan but it's still to slow and memory-intensive to run on my server. Don't get me wrong tho, jschan is really cool, but my server is too low-spec.
/b/10 -> 894 No.11
I'm glad you like it! I used picochan, which itself is a modified/improved version of nanochan. In case anyone's not familiar with nanochan, it was the largest IB on darknet before it went down a couple yrs ago. Here's the link to the picochan software:
/b/ -> This IB looks dope Anonymous No.10
I'm wondering how to host something like this. The closest thing i've found is Which framework did you use?
/tv/ -> TV shows recommendation Anonymous No.10
scripted tv shows recommendation.docx
16.61 KiB (dl)
I recently compiled a chronological list of recommended scripted TV shows
/tv/ -> Anonymous No.9
Baidu Netdisk:
password: ntik
/tv/7 -> Anonymous No.8
Baidu Netdisk:
password: ntik
/tv/ -> Loki.S01.720p.WEB.H264 Anonymous No.7
24.86 KiB 210x295 (dl)
Loki Season 1
/vhs/ -> The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz Anonymous No.2

亚伦·希勒尔·斯沃茨(英语:Aaron Hillel Swartz)是美国电脑程序员、企业家、作家、政治活动者和互联网黑客主义者。他参与开发了RSS消息來源发布格式、Markdown文本发布格式、知识共享组织、web.py网站开发框架,同时是社交媒体Reddit的联合创始人。他曾成立在线群组求进会(英语:Demand Progress)——因反对禁止网络盗版法案的运动而闻名。





/vhs/ -> Groundhog Day Anonymous No.1
Baidu Netdisk:
/tv/1 -> Anonymous No.6
/tv/1 -> Anonymous No.5
/tv/1 -> Anonymous No.4
/g/ -> Kindle LanguageBreak Jailbreak for firmware <= Anonymous No.9
Released on October 28, 2023
Mobileread link:
Tested and verified on PW4 after upgrading fw to
Proceed at your own risk
/g/ -> IDM 6.35 cracked Anonymous No.8
IDM 6.35 build 8 incl Patch Revised Fake Serial Fixed [CrackingPatching]
/g/ -> RarLab.WinRAR.v5.10.x64.Cracked-EAT Anonymous No.7
format: zip
/g/ -> LOIC Anonymous No.6
/v/ -> 1400款黄油 Anonymous No.9
263.76 KiB (dl)
/v/ -> 死神vs火影 v3.8.0 竞技版 Anonymous No.8
windows, mac链接:
/v/ -> 央视网点名表扬原神 Anonymous No.7
/v/ -> Mao's Legacy Anonymous No.6
毛的遗产 汉化版
系统:Windows 64位
/pol/ -> 2022-10-22 中共二十大胡锦涛被带离会场 Anonymous No.4

/b/ -> 祖安大爷 Anonymous No.9
/b/ -> 超威蓝猫 Anonymous No.8

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