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/pol/8 -> Anonymous No.11
Didn't he say he was a once term president? Why did he run again? Harris has only four months to campaign.
The DNC's internal polling must have been brutal for Biden.
/v/14 -> Anonymous No.15
Oh and I forgot to mention this, the setting where duels take place is beautiful, creating a tense and tranquil atmosphere.
/v/ -> First Cut: Samurai Duel Anonymous No.14 >>15
41.98 KiB 460x215 (dl)
151.09 KiB 1896x1071 (dl)
261.34 KiB 1896x1071 (dl)
355.56 KiB 1920x1080 (dl)
CW: spoilered pics contain pixelated gore
I played First Cut: Samurai Duel a while back and I loved this game. It's a pixel duel game, where you can attack, block, duck, or push your opponent. Matching your opponent's stance is a key to winnning the game. What makes it so engaging is that no matter how skilled you are, one hit is enough to kill you, hence the name "first cut". Moreover the pixelated gore makes the combat more exciting. Definitely would recomment this game!
/a/ -> Better definition of anime? Anonymous No.13
Anime is usually defined as animation produced in Japan. But that's just stupid, I watch the content and I don't care about where it's made. Therefore we should come up with a better definition of anime based on its style.
/g/17 -> Anonymous No.26
103.21 KiB 1066x1352 (dl)
/pol/8 -> Anonymous No.10
67.30 KiB 768x960 (dl)
/meta/ -> FAQ 894 ## Administrator No.39
What is an imageboard?
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Global rules are on the main page. Board-specific rules are usually posted in the board.
What is the name formatting?
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/meta/ -> What is the file size limit? 894 ## Administrator No.38
Max size of form data per-post is 1MB. Because other fields e.g. name, message, etc contribute to this, the maximum size of file uploads will be very slightly smaller than this.
/meta/ -> What is an imageboard? 894 ## Administrator No.36
An imageboard is a type of discussion board where users share images and text about various topics.

The primary difference between imageboards and traditional forums is that anybody can make a post without registering an account or providing any personal information. This lowers the barrier to entry, protects user identities and focuses on what is said, rather than who says it.
/meta/ -> Name Formatting 894 ## Administrator No.34
If you leave the name field blank, "Anonymous" will be used instead. Filling the field with "##" will display your role. Additionally, if a user has multiple aplicable roles (e.g. a board owner, but the user is also global staff) capcodes will default to their lowest role. To show the higher role, you must be explicit and follow "##" with the role name after a single space e.g. ## Global Staff.
/b/ -> Congrats to Tadej Pogačar Anonymous No.18
816.50 KiB 1080x1350 (dl)
Pogačar won Tour de France, winning six stages. That's six stages both in Giro d'Italia and Tour de France!
/g/17 -> Anonymous No.25
69.51 KiB 1080x1080 (dl)
Variable naming alignment. Let's hope no one actually uses the chaotic evil naming...
/pol/ -> Political Memes Anonymous No.9
104.26 KiB 1290x1106 (dl)
Political memes thread!
/v/10 -> Anonymous No.13
I understand your frustrations. It's a nightmare when there are low quality games everywhere. That's also part of the problem with genres. Products from the same genre more or less copies each other because creaters play it safe and just stick to what works before.
/a/4 -> Anonymous No.12
There's this online Chinese second-hand market called 闲鱼 (xianyu). However the craze for overpriced merch of anime is not restricted to China, and I bet it's in Japan too where these merch is produced. Part of their value comes from them being "official merch", in contrast with self-made ones, which are usually dirt cheap.
/pol/ -> Biden withdrew from the 2024 election Anonymous No.8
/g/10 -> Anonymous No.24
Official recovery tool from Microsoft to help with CrowdStrike issue.
/a/4 -> Anonymous No.11 >>12
Yeah, that's really not worth it. Cheap tat that probably costs pennies on the dollar to produce. Those aren't even good designs.
You could easily buy some buttons en mass, print some designs on paper, and glue the decals on yourself.
Where do you find these for sale, anyway?
/v/10 -> Anonymous No.12 >>13
149.13 KiB 1154x705 (dl)
Actually, C:DDA (Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead) is exactly that kind of game. Note my distinction between roguelikes and rogue'lites' in the title.
It's an extremely open ended game set in the zombie apocalypse, probably most famous for inspiring Project Zomboid.

There are two kinds of RLs. Roguelikes, which are games in the spirit of the original Rogue from 1980, this includes Nethack and Moria.
Then there are Roguelites, games that take elements from Rogue but mix in into different genres, games like Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon. Roguelites weren't that popular (until the late 2000s I want to say, with breakthrough titles like Spelunky and The Binding of Isaac. What was once an interesting fusion of a decades-old genre has, over the last decade, turned into an absolute torrential outpour of low-quality games and copycats.
I don't mind traditional Roguelikes at all but they're also much rarer than Roguelites, which have been flooding Steam for years now.
/a/ -> Yuru Camp Season 3 Discussion Anonymous No.10
417.02 KiB 1452x2048 (dl)
S03E07 is very interesting. The unreliable narrative adds a lot of fun to the episode.

What do you think of the season?
/vhs/3 -> Anonymous No.4
Honestly it's been a long time since Marvel has produced a great movie. GotG 3 is at best okay imo, and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is shit. All movies from the earlier phase four are pretty shit, too. This could be it, the new blockbuster that Marvel desperately needs, and that the fans desperately need.
/vhs/ -> Deadpool & Wolverine Anonymous No.3
106.10 KiB 259x384 (dl)
The movie will be released in theaters on July 26. Personally I'm really looking forward to this film as a Marvel fan.
/v/10 -> Anonymous No.11
114.72 KiB 1280x720 (dl)
5.89 KiB 786x508 (dl)
I'm not family with rougelike games, but I used to play a bit of NetHack. It was first released in 1987, so probably not the rougelike games you're talking about lol.
/a/4 -> Anonymous No.9 >>11
196.38 KiB 1080x1440 (dl)
Here's a picture of several Nichijou badges.
/v/ -> Roguelikes/lites Anonymous No.10
32.63 KiB 680x383 (dl)
First English thread, yay. (向我们的中国朋友致歉。)
Do you think this genre is completely oversaturated?
I like watching indie showcases and it can feel like every other game is a deckbuilder, a roguelite, or a deckbuilder roguelite. It's exhausting how many of these games there are.
Obviously there has to be an audience for these games, why else would so many of them be made? I just can't imagine it goes on like this indefinitely, it's like that brown military shooter crazy of the 2000s.

Also post RLs you like, I'm partial to C:DDA.
/a/4 -> Anonymous No.8 >>9
Badges are silly in general, it's for a niche subculture who likes to attach things to their jackets.
Can you post some examples of these though? I can't recall any.
/g/17 -> Anonymous No.23
Or maybe it's Macintosh. Seriously you'll never know 😂
/g/14 -> Anonymous No.22
Yeah torrent is probably the best way. However that requires me to constantly keep seeding, otherwise the torrent can become dead pretty fast. I'm curious whether ddl sites can work. There are sites that accepts unlimited size data but they delete them after a period of inactivity. Maybe there are scripts to generate download activity once a while?
/tv/ -> BoJack Horseman, a show about facing the truth Anonymous No.23
41.10 KiB 600x888 (dl)
I think BoJack Horseman is about facing the truth. The truth of the society, the truth of life, and the truth of oneself.

BoJack facing his deeply flawed personality is a big part of the show. It shows us how he ends up in terrible situations because of his fault, how he struggles during the darkest of times, and how he eventually faces his own problems instead of ignoring them or blaming them on others. Just like what Todd said, "You are all the things that are wrong with you", this show essentially shows us how BoJack comes to realization of it.

Another theme of the show is the Hollywood culture and how it affects people. In the show we see Sarah Lynn entering Hollywood as a child and eventually being destroyed partly because of it. Of course, BoJack is another example of how Hollywood culture destroys people. "The most important thing is, you got to give the people what they want, even if it kills you, even if it empties you out until there's nothing left to empty. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, you don't stop dancing, and you don't stop smiling, and you give those people what they want. " Even though BoJack is blaming his fault on the society, we can see the society, namely Hollywood, does take some responsibility. What's more, Diane's attempt at exposing Hank's wrongdoing, as well as her failure in the end, shows yet another disturbing truth of the society, i.e. people are reluctant to admit the wrongdoing of powerful or famous people, and it's extremely difficult for normal people to combat those in power. Finally, as the public turns their attention away, Diane has no alternative but to admit this fact. The Hank quote pretty much sums it up: "Sweetheart, everyone knows who I am. I'm Hank Hippopopalous. Who the hell are you?"

Yet another theme of the show is nihilism. BoJack, an actor in a sitcom back in the '90s, doesn't have anything to do at present. He tries to realize his childhood dream, playing Secretariat, but when the movie is actually finished, he feels the same. He questions whether people can truly achieve happiness, or they will just feel the same after achieving their goals. The show depicts the void after success and the fleeting nature of happiness. It shows us the truth of life, that it's difficult, and there's no way of achieving everlasting happiness. Even if we can ignore it temporarily, the truth of life will be unavoidable eventually. "No, because that’s just theatre. It allows you to think you’re in control but the whole idea of control is a myth. The universe is a wild beast. You can’t tame it. All you can do is try to live inside it."
/g/14 -> Anonymous No.21 >>22
The easiest thing to do for very large storage transfer is to literally ship a drive with all the data out to somebody. That's what Event Horizon Telescope team did with all their data.
However, if you don't want to do it online you could try creating a torrent? That will cause you to have to upload TBs of data and your ISP might not like that, so check your plan first.
When done you can send the infohash to whoever you want to send the data to them directly.
>How do I create a torrent
It's incredibly simple! You open any torrent software, select the "create torrent" option, select whatever file/folder you want to, add whatever metadata you want like torrent name and info, and save it.
You'll have to be running your computer online basically 24/7 but it should work.
/g/17 -> Anonymous No.20 >>23
What OS does the seal represent? Haiku, BSD?
Don't tell me it's TempleOS lmao
/tv/13 -> Anonymous No.21
Don't get me wrong, I personally love how it ended. I was just trying to explore where the feeling of "too much description" comes from. It's not necessarily a bad thing, just one way of doing things. Instead of being stunned by the fighting or gore, we are observing the process of the Boys being destroyed on command of Homelander and witnessing Homelander's rise to his power and his command on supes. Observing the plot advancing is essentially a different experience from being immersed in fighting scenes, and it evokes different emotions. I, for one, like how it played out.
/a/ -> GIRLS BAND CRY discussion Anonymous No.7
65.13 KiB 400x566 (dl)
What do you think of GIRLS BAND CRY? Post in this thread!
/g/17 -> Anonymous No.19 >>20
40.39 KiB 1280x720 (dl)
you laugh now...
/tv/13 -> Anonymous No.20 >>21
Ok, it wasn't shocking, but it was brilliant and very well done.
/tv/13 -> Anonymous No.19 >>20
>>17 >>16
Shit, I mean the twist is "just not that shocking"
/tv/13 -> Anonymous No.18
I think the "description" feeling has something to do with how they shot the final scenes. Note that the background music, Nirvana's Heart-Shaped Box, is playing all through the ending. It kind of watered down the intensity of the scenes, like a long montage that compressed time. It's interesting why they chose to shoot the ending like this, with such drastic changes happening in such short period of time. Btw it reminds me of the final scene of Rick and Morty S04E06 "Never Ricking Morty" where Evil Morty reveals his true identity and joins the rest of the Morty's, with "For the Dameged Soda" playing in the background. It was STUNNING, and I think The Boys maybe is trying to do the same thing but the twist is just that shocking, which is why I think the ending feels too "descriptive".
/tv/13 -> Anonymous No.17 >>19
If by finale you mean S04E08, I think Butcher killing Vickie is a great fight (and gore too). But of course, Soldier Boy does not have enough appearance, which is disappointing.
/tv/13 -> anonymous No.16 >>17 >>18 >>19
As the producer emphasized during an interview that the finale was to open a "new world" for the characters, I think it's pretty much a very good start, or rather preview of S5, with most of the boys captured and Gen V combined and assembled. But tbh, in my perspective, the finale itself as the end of S4 is a bit too thin and lack fighting and conflicts, with which the episode would be much better. It did so many "descriptions" instead of "expressions". And I'd thought soldier boy would have some more scenes, but in fact he only appeared in the cabin.
Would give the show a 6/10 for the finale.
/a/4 -> Anonymous No.6 >>8
Badges specifically, sorry about the ambiguity. They're utterly useless because you don't want to actually wear them.
/a/4 -> Anonymous No.5 >>6
What kind of merch? That's a massive array of things.
Do you mean bodypillows or gunpla? Figurines or posters?
/meta/24 -> Anonymous No.25
Merging threads results in Lua error.
/meta/ -> Technical Issue Thread 894 ## Administrator No.24
Post technical issues you encounter here.
/g/17 -> Anonymous No.18 >>19
359.78 KiB 1024x955 (dl)
Linux users be like after CrowdStrike incident:
/g/ -> Meme thread Anonymous No.17
324.31 KiB 1048x1081 (dl)
438.79 KiB 831x1536 (dl)
Post your memes here!
Japanese programmers be like:
/a/ -> Opinions on merch of anime Anonymous No.4
181.55 KiB 1085x755 (dl)
I think merch of anime are really stupid, even more so with them being priced so ridiculously high. It's basically robbery. I mean, a mid-sized badge for 30 CNY, seriously? Fuck the merch, just watch the show already. I'd like to hear your opinions on this one.
/g/ -> Sharing large amount of data Anonymous No.14
I'm trying to share data of a few terabytes on my HDD. How to do this at no cost? Btw the data should be accessible for indefinite length of time. Thanks in advance.
/tv/14 -> Anonymous No.15
As of scripted tv shows the 2010s is probably the best imo. We have Breaking Bad at its peak in the early 2010s, and several other awesome dramas such as GoT, Black Mirror, True Detective, BCS, Succession, just to name a few. Not to mention BoJack Horseman, my favorite show of all time, as well as Fleabag, a marvelous show written and performed by the brilliant Phoebe Waller-Bridge. I know nothing about reality television tho, and they should probably be assessed separately.
/tv/ -> Eras of television Anonymous No.14
68.96 KiB 900x900 (dl)
I have two open-ended questions I'm curious about
>what do you think the best decade of TV was, that includes either nationally or globally
>what do you think the worst decade of TV was, and ditto
I'm not sure about the best but I'd argue the worst was the 2000s. I was reading a book from roughly 20 years ago recently and there's a part where a character starts ranting about "those pretty whores on TV who are only famous for being pretty whores", it jolted my memory that entire weird era of television. That was really the beginning of channel bloat and every channel turning into 24/7 reality TV. (That arguably still the case, but it doesn't matter anymore with streaming and such.)
/g/10 -> Anonymous No.13
Seems like CrowdStrike's CSO sold $15M worth of stock a few days before the outage. It's probably a coincidence, but it's a really smart move.

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