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First Cut: Samurai Duel Anonymous No.14 >>15
41.98 KiB 460x215 (dl)
151.09 KiB 1896x1071 (dl)
261.34 KiB 1896x1071 (dl)
355.56 KiB 1920x1080 (dl)
CW: spoilered pics contain pixelated gore
I played First Cut: Samurai Duel a while back and I loved this game. It's a pixel duel game, where you can attack, block, duck, or push your opponent. Matching your opponent's stance is a key to winnning the game. What makes it so engaging is that no matter how skilled you are, one hit is enough to kill you, hence the name "first cut". Moreover the pixelated gore makes the combat more exciting. Definitely would recomment this game!
Anonymous No.15
Oh and I forgot to mention this, the setting where duels take place is beautiful, creating a tense and tranquil atmosphere.

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