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Source code of the chan 894 No.3
This chan uses the picochan software: https://archive.org/details/picochan
Formatting 894 No.7 >>13
3.77 KiB (dl)
Picochan's formatting code is really error-prone, and simply stating the rules does not describing the formatting mechanism accurately enough, so I just attached the formatting function here.
894 No.13 >>16 >>18
For those who are impatient to get into the messy details, here's a quick demonstration of the formatting.

This is a code block.
This is a code block.

`This is inline code.`
This is inline code.

Cross-board reference to threads:
Cross-board reference to replies:
Intra-board reference to different threads:
Intra-board reference to replies to different threads:
Intra-board reference to posts in current thread:

'''This is bold.'''
This is bold.

''This is italian.''
This is italian.

∼∼This is strikeout.∼∼
This is strikeout.

__This is underline.__
This is underline.

==This is red text.==
This is red text.

**This is spoiler.**
This is spoiler.

(((This is kike text.)))
(((This is kike text.)))

>This is green text.
>This is green text.

<This is pink text.
<This is pink text.

Start urls with http:// or https://
894 No.16
Sorry about the html character escapes. Afaik there's no way to escape picochan formatting. If you do find a way, please share it with us.
894 No.18
Picochan's formatting should be pretty similar to Zzzchan's: https://zzzchan.xyz/faq.html#post-styling

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