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Roguelikes/lites Anonymous No.10
32.63 KiB 680x383 (dl)
First English thread, yay. (向我们的中国朋友致歉。)
Do you think this genre is completely oversaturated?
I like watching indie showcases and it can feel like every other game is a deckbuilder, a roguelite, or a deckbuilder roguelite. It's exhausting how many of these games there are.
Obviously there has to be an audience for these games, why else would so many of them be made? I just can't imagine it goes on like this indefinitely, it's like that brown military shooter crazy of the 2000s.

Also post RLs you like, I'm partial to C:DDA.
Anonymous No.11
114.72 KiB 1280x720 (dl)
5.89 KiB 786x508 (dl)
I'm not family with rougelike games, but I used to play a bit of NetHack. It was first released in 1987, so probably not the rougelike games you're talking about lol.
Anonymous No.12 >>13
149.13 KiB 1154x705 (dl)
Actually, C:DDA (Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead) is exactly that kind of game. Note my distinction between roguelikes and rogue'lites' in the title.
It's an extremely open ended game set in the zombie apocalypse, probably most famous for inspiring Project Zomboid.

There are two kinds of RLs. Roguelikes, which are games in the spirit of the original Rogue from 1980, this includes Nethack and Moria.
Then there are Roguelites, games that take elements from Rogue but mix in into different genres, games like Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon. Roguelites weren't that popular (until the late 2000s I want to say, with breakthrough titles like Spelunky and The Binding of Isaac. What was once an interesting fusion of a decades-old genre has, over the last decade, turned into an absolute torrential outpour of low-quality games and copycats.
I don't mind traditional Roguelikes at all but they're also much rarer than Roguelites, which have been flooding Steam for years now.
Anonymous No.13
I understand your frustrations. It's a nightmare when there are low quality games everywhere. That's also part of the problem with genres. Products from the same genre more or less copies each other because creaters play it safe and just stick to what works before.

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