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Microsoft Outage Anonymous No.10
Computers worldwide are brought down by huge Microsoft outage. Anyways here's an article on it from Wired: https://www.wired.com/story/microsoft-windows-outage-crowdstrike-global-it-probems
Anonymous No.11
>The widespread Windows outages have been linked to a software update from cybersecurity giant ​​CrowdStrike. It is not believed the issues are linked to a malicious cyberattack, cybersecurity officials say, but stem from a misconfigured/corrupted update that CrowdStrike pushed out to its customers.
Anonymous No.12
giving a random company the ability to remotely deploy and execute privileged code with no oversight across millions of computers is a good thing actually
t. silicon valley
Anonymous No.13
Seems like CrowdStrike's CSO sold $15M worth of stock a few days before the outage. It's probably a coincidence, but it's a really smart move.
Anonymous No.24
Official recovery tool from Microsoft to help with CrowdStrike issue. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/intune-customer-success/new-recovery-tool-to-help-with-crowdstrike-issue-impacting/ba-p/4196959

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