Moderation Logs

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894/meta/Deleted post /meta/8 for reason: Wrong formatting
894/b/Deleted post /b/16 for reason: Admin forgot to post with name
894/meta/Deleted post /meta/6 for reason: Wrong formatting
894/meta/Deleted post /meta/5 for reason: Wrong formatting
894/meta/Deleted post /meta/4 for reason: Wrong formatting
894/meta/Deleted post /meta/2 for reason: Admin forgot to post with name
894GLOBALEdited global configuration variable 'frontpage'
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /run/ - Immigration
894/tv/Modified board configuration
894/vhs/Modified board configuration
894GLOBALEdited global configuration variable 'frontpage'
894/g/Deleted post /g/5 for reason: Wrong link
894/g/Deleted post /g/3 for reason: Wrong link
894/g/Deleted post /g/2 for reason: Wrong link
894/g/Deleted post /g/1 for reason: Wrong link
894/v/Deleted post /v/4 for reason: Wrong link
894/v/Deleted post /v/3 for reason: Wrong link
894/v/Deleted post /v/2 for reason: Wrong link
894/v/Deleted post /v/1 for reason: Wrong link
894/pol/Deleted post /pol/3 for reason: Wrong link
894/b/Deleted post /b/6 for reason: Wrong link
894/b/Deleted post /b/5 for reason: Wrong link
894/b/Deleted post /b/3 for reason: Wrong link
894/tv/Deleted post /tv/2 for reason: Wrong link
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /vhs/ - Movies
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /tv/ - Television
894GLOBALEdited global configuration variable 'maxfilesize'
894GLOBALCreated new gvol account 'Aki'
894GLOBALEdited global configuration variable 'frontpage'
894/ar/Modified board configuration
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /ar/ - Archive
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /g/ - Technology
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /pol/ - Politically Incorrect
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /v/ - Video Games
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /a/ - Anime & Manga
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /b/ - Random
894GLOBALCreated a new board: /meta/ - Meta
894GLOBALEdited global configuration variable 'maxfilesize'
894GLOBALEdited global configuration variable 'theme'
894GLOBALEdited global configuration variable 'sitename'
894GLOBALDeleted a admin account 'setup' for reason: Delete setup account after finishing chan setup
setupGLOBALCreated new admin account '894'

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